High Tide Theatrical invites you to audition for HAIR: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Directed and choreographed by: Jacob Estes
Audition Dates:
- Date 1: Monday, February 24th @ 7:00pm
- Date 2: Tuesday, February 25th @ 7:00pm
Location: The Lightroom Lounge at Martha’s Vineyard. 215 W. Olive St. Springfield, MO
Audition Requirements:
- Singing: Please prepare 32 bars of a song in the style of the show that showcases your vocal range and personality. Bring sheet music in the correct key; an accompanist will be provided.
- Dancing: Wear comfortable clothing as a dance/movement audition will be part of the initial audition process. Be prepared to move barefoot or in dance shoes.
HAIR explores, and without hesitation conveys, several adult themes such as sex, drugs, politics, race, and war. Most of the characters are expressly open with their sexuality and several are on the queer spectrum. Many of them use strong adult language. All of them simulate smoking and/or drug use. Actors auditioning for this show should be comfortable exploring these themes and dynamics through research, discussion and physical expression in a safe, consent centered, rehearsal space. Please be aware that the musical traditionally includes at least one nude scene in which the actors may be requested to perform either partially or fully without clothing for a very brief period of time (typically not more than 30-60 seconds). Participation in the scene is not mandatory to be cast in the show, but we do ask that you answer the question whether you would consider participating as part of your audition material. We will employ an intimacy consultant/choreographer to help everyone in the tribe to find their own personal boundaries and to enable everyone to maintain those boundaries during rehearsals and performances. A consent/privacy document will be required to be signed at the time of casting.
We are sorry but due to the subject matter of this show, there are no roles for any actor under the age of 18. You must be 18 as of the date of the first rehearsal. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Callbacks (if needed): Thursday, February 27th
A callback list will be posted on Thursday, February 27th prior to 12:00pm. Callbacks will be held that evening beginning at 7:00pm. Individuals in consideration will be provided with materials and asked to read and sing from the script.
What We’re Looking For:
We are seeking a diverse group of performers, ages 18+, who can embody the passion, energy, and spirit of the 1960s. All ethnicities, gender identities, and body types are encouraged to audition. Strong singers, dancers, and actors who are comfortable with movement and ensemble work are especially welcome. All roles available.
Most rehearsals for High Tide Theatrical’s production of HAIR will be held Sunday through Thursday evenings between the hours of 7:00-10:00pm. The first cast meeting will be held Sunday, March 9th.
Cast members are required to be available for every performance.
Thursday, May 22nd @ 7:30pm – Preview Night
Friday, May 23rd @ 7:30pm – Opening Night
Saturday, May 24th @ 7:30pm
Thursday, May 29th @ 7:30pm – Relaxed Performance
Friday, May 30th @ 7:30pm – College Night
Saturday, May 31st @ 7:30pm
HAIR is a celebration of life, love, and freedom that rocked the world and defined a generation. Set in the tumultuous 1960s, the story follows a group of politically active hippies, the “tribe,” as they navigate themes of identity, community, peace, love, and resistance. The score features unforgettable classics like “Aquarius,” “Good Morning Starshine,” and “Let the Sunshine In.”
*full cast doubles as tribe members (must be strong singers/storytellers/movers)
Claude (rock baritone/tenor, lead, any ethnicity, male presenting)
The most beautiful beast in the forest. Smart, attractive male, with a playful side; a lover of life and the picture of a young man next door of the 60’s. Strong actor. Berger’s best friend, recently drafted whose only valuable possession, other than his freedom, is his hair. A charismatic leader that women adore, boys emulate and men will follow into the breach. A man of conscience who struggles with the conflict of what his heart tells him is right and what the authorities around him lead him to believe.
George Berger (rock baritone/tenor, lead, any ethnicity, male presenting)
A social activist banished from school. An unrestrained animal. He knows what is right and sticks to it no matter the consequence. The leader of the tribe. High energy, athletic, wild. Strong presence and, though he may be a young man, he is looked up to. Must be willing to appear nude.
Sheila (rock alto/belter, lead, any ethnicity, female presenting)
A second semester student and passionate protester from NYU who lives with Berger and Claude, aspires to spread love, loves Berger but having Claude’s baby. The most intelligent of the tribe. Wants to change society through peaceful protest. Not necessarily perfect on the outside, but must have a strong voice and presence.
Jeanie (alto, supporting, any ethnicity, female presenting)
A follower, not a leader. Incredibly sweet, zany, understands Claude better than anyone. Wise, passionate, creative woman, who is pregnant with the tribe’s baby. She has taken every drug, and takes care of the tribe. Strong actress to play comedic and dramatic scenes.
Crissy (mezzo, supporting, any ethnicity, female presenting)
a flower child mourning a lost love – The youngest female of the tribe. Sings “Frank Mills”.
Dionne (alto/mezzo belt, African-American, supporting, female presenting)
Must be a powerful vocalist and lots of fun. Great with comedy and ad-lib vocals.
Hud (soul/rock baritone/tenor, African-American, supporting, any ethnicity, male presenting)
Speaks his mind and hopes you can keep up with him. High energy, spiritual performer with a strong voice and presence. A true tone setter that is a natural on stage in any situation.
Woof (rock baritone/tenor, supporting, any ethnicity, male presenting)
May not want to admit it but he is gay. A young animal. High energy, versatile performer. Must be a natural with comedy. Looks up to Berger and Mick Jagger… in many ways.
Ronny (alto/mezzo belt, supporting, any ethnicity) is the featured soloist in “Aquarius,” the opening number of the show. Must have a powerful voice and huge presence.
Margaret Mead (tenor, supporting, white) is a tourist visiting New York City with her husband, Hubert. The couple meets the hippies and asks them questions about their lifestyle. Charmed, Margaret voices her support of the Tribe in “My Conviction.” This role is played by a drag performer, must have strong comedic timing.
TRIBE: This is not a “chorus”, as the entire cast is a true ensemble. Due to size of the space we may cut down on the amount of Tribe members and double up on featured roles. Different tribe members sing many featured songs including “Aquarius”, “Black Boys”, “White Boys”, “Walking in Space”, “Electric Blues”, “Hippie Life”, etc., and play many roles in the show including the PRINCIPALS, MOTHER/FATHER, historical figures, and more. Energetic, creative performers with heart and passion. *For the tribe we are especially looking for movers/dancers/contortionist/tumblers/special skills.
Please direct any questions to [email protected].