Hand to God by Robert Askins is a darkly comedic play that explores the complexities of faith, grief, and the human condition through the lens of a small-town church group. The story revolves around Jason, a shy teenager who finds solace in a puppet named Tyrone, which he creates for a church puppet ministry. However, as Jason struggles with personal turmoil and the loss of his father, Tyrone begins to take on a life of his own, revealing Jason’s repressed anger and desires.
As the play unfolds, the boundaries between reality and the puppet’s influence blur, leading to a series of outrageous and thought-provoking situations. With sharp wit and raw honesty, Hand to God tackles themes of morality, identity, and the search for meaning, all while maintaining a satirical edge. The play is both hilarious and poignant, challenging audiences to reflect on the nature of faith and the complexities of self-expression in a world filled with expectations.
Location: The Lightroom Lounge at Martha’s Vineyard, 215 W Olive St Springfield, MO 65806
Rating: R
Content and Trigger Warning: Contains sexual assault, strong language and depictions of violence.
Runtime: Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes with one 15 minute intermission.
Tickets: $25 adults, $20 students/military/seniors 65+