2025 Auditions
High Tide Theatrical is committed to ensuring diversity and equity in casting of each of our productions. Performers of all backgrounds are welcome, regardless of race, gender, age, or disabilities. All auditions are free of charge and open to any interested community member, regardless of experience.
Auditions: February 24 + 25
HAIR is a celebration of life, love, and freedom that rocked the world and defined a generation. Set in the tumultuous 1960s, the story follows a group of politically active hippies, the “tribe,” as they navigate themes of identity, community, peace, love, and resistance. The score features unforgettable classics like “Aquarius,” “Good Morning Starshine,” and “Let the Sunshine In.”
Auditions: March 9
Join us for Literature to Life: in Concert, an evening where the magic of musical theatre meets the beauty of literature. We’re seeking talented performers to bring the songs inspired by beloved literary works to life in this unique concert event.
If you live in the Springfield area and would like to submit a design portfolio, please e-mail your resume, cover letter and portfolio to [email protected].